
Climate Change and Disaster Action

Multipurpose Trees

Women Benefitted
through Sustainable Natural Resource Management

Direct Green Jobs Created
to Support Local Communities

Biogas Installed
in Households

Improved Cooking Stoves Installed
in Households

Climate change remains a continuous threat to Nepal making it the fourth-most vulnerable country in the world to it while adversely impacting the livelihood of the local communities and biodiversity.

WCN focuses on the development of the local communities’ natural resource management and entrepreneurial skills so that communities become more climate resilient while at the same time socio-economic status is enhanced and environment is conserved. Our aim is also to 
organize, collaborate and network with grassroot community based groups to reduce their vulnerability to natural disaster and climate risks in rural and urban areas through smart nature based solutions.

WCN supports local communities to improve their environmental, economic, and social resilience against the climate change adversities.

We look forward for partner collaboration to take green economy further.


Sub Programs

I. Climate Action through Sustainable Natural Resource Management

I. Climate Action through Sustainable Natural Resource Management
1. Growing Forests

In recent years forests in Nepal are...

2. Climate Smart Communities

Climate Smart communities is a program by...

II. Natural Disaster Risk Management

II. Natural Disaster Risk Management
1. Education

On turning a year of its collaboration...

2. Preparedness and Relief

In the wake of the earthquake April...

Contact Us

House No. 135, Nayabasti Marg, Baluwatar, Kathmandu-4
Tel: +977 1 437 5460, +977 1 437 5267
Email: mail@wcn.org.np

© Wildlife Conservation Nepal . Developed by Eleven Pixels.

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Icon: Prakriti and Punte
Nepal Prakriti Pathshala