
About One Million Tree

WCN launched the One million trees- Let's Grow a Forest Campaign in 2016. WCN has been conducting massive tree plantations since 2003 but in 2016, WCN decided to organize its tree plantations collaborating with many community forests, religious and cultural groups, different public parks management committees, and local governments throughout the country under a single initiative of "One Million Trees". In Community forests, WCN focuses on the plantation of high-value trees along with Non Timber Forest Product (NTFP) promotion to support community members with an alternative source of income while they contribute to the growing and revitalizing forests.

WCN also focuses on the development of the local communities' natural resource management and entrepreneurial skills so that communities become more climate-resilient while at the same time, their socio-economic status is enhanced and the environment is conserved. From the beginning of this campaign, WCN has been restoring degraded land within community forests. Over the years, WCN has built strong partnerships with Private forest owners, Community forest User groups, Division Forest offices, Philanthropic organizations, and business house to meet the target of planting 1 million trees by 2025.

Through this platform individuals and business houses can contribute to nature conservation through tree plantations to restore degraded forest areas and greening urban areas so that communities become climate resilient and forest-based communities have thriving and economically viable forests.


We are working with 20 community forests across the Country!

Trees Planted
more to go

You can do your bit by sponsoring Tree Plantations!

Individual Adoption - Sponsor atleast 5 trees this year

Organizational Adoption - Sponsor atleast 100 trees this year

Corporate Adoption - Sponsor atleast 500 trees this year

Our Process
What will you get?
Want to help make a positive impact for the environment?

Testimonies From Our Donors

Barnado Cocco
Mr. Barnado Cocco

UNDP, Deputy Resident Representative

"We loved to be a part of this plantation for two consecutive year. We love WCN's vision to create green world and hope to be part of this campaign till it reaches it's ONE MILLION target."

Umang Jung Thapa
Mr. Umang Jung Thapa

"For Conservation! I believe every plant counts to making healthier environment for all living things and to manage global warming/climate change."

Pranaya Pandey Chettri
Mr. Pranaya Pandey Chettri

"God created wonderful and perfect world but we humans are destroying it. Therefore, it is our responsibly to preserve and nurture our world. I love what WCN is doing and would like to be part of this great campaign again."

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Nepal Prakriti Pathshala