Education sector has been affected hugely due to COVID 19 in both national and international level. Despite this pandemic, everyone associated in the field of education provided their expertise to reach out to the students and engage them. Wildlife Conservation Nepal (WCN) has been working in education sector since 2002 and through its environmental education program Nepal Prakriti Pathshala (NPP) announced Children Art Competition 2020 on the occasion of World Earth Day 2020. The competition was announced with the objective to support children’s learning and creativity skills as well as to encourage them to continue their education amidst the lockdown imposed due to COVID 19.
WCN Nepal Prakriti Pathshala announced "Children Art Competition 2020" nation-wide on 22nd April, 2020. The theme for this competition was “Nature Love” and children from age of 7 years old to 15 years old were eligible to participate in this competition. The artworks were received online before its deadline 1st May, 2020. About 75 artworks were received for the competition from all over the country and we would like to encourage the participants to keep up the good work.
Art is one of the most important and therapeutic forms of expression and to keep focus on positive things in difficult times like this WCN Nepal Prakriti Pathshala brought this competition.
Artworks were judged Ms. Anu Shrestha, Ms. Priyanka Rana Iandoli and Mr. Parakram Singh Yonzon. Venue: