
Our Green School - Hamro Harit Vidhyalaya

July 27, 2020

Our Green School - Hamro Harit Vidhyalaya

Many still believe that learning at school is merely through the medium of text books and evaluated through examinations. Green Schools are therefore a perfect way to break this myth. WCN is working so that the schools through the Green School Program can become genuine places of learning with progressive education that utilize the bounty of nature and improve health. They are transformative places with multiple benefits for students, teachers, communities and the entire nation.

The Green School Resource Handbook has been published by Nepal Government, based under the Government's Green School Directive 2075 formulated to involve and have every school in Nepal to undergo green initiatives. In order to promote the concept of the Green School Directives this short movie is developed with the support provided by Danish Forestry Extension (DFE) and WCN.
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Tel: +977 1 437 5460, +977 1 437 5267
Email: mail@wcn.org.np

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